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Home » Assam Govt Scheme » Arunodoi Scheme Assam 202 – Apply Online | Eligibility | BENEFICIARY STATUS

Arunodoi Scheme Assam 2024 – Apply Online | Eligibility | BENEFICIARY STATUS

Arunodoi Scheme Assam 2024 name list | Assam arunodoi scheme online apply | Orunodoi scheme beneficiary list Assam | Orunodoi scheme list | Orunodoi beneficiary list in Assam | orunodoi beneficiary status |

Hello friends, today we will talk about such a scheme which is one of the biggest schemes in the state of Assam. Under this scheme, the amount is transferred directly to the account. The name of this scheme is Arunodoi Scheme. This scheme is the biggest Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) scheme in the history of the Government of Assam. If you want to get the benefit of this scheme, then definitely read this article from beginning to end. In this article, important information has been given to you about Arunodoi Scheme Assam.

Arunodoi Scheme Assam

What is Arunodoi Scheme Assam 2024 Scheme?

Orunodoi’ or Arunodoi Scheme is a new scheme of the Government of Assam is launched on 2nd October 2020. ‘Orunodoi’ scheme will provide Financial Assistance of Rs. 830 per month through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) scheme to around 17 Lakh Families in the state. They will receive the amount on the first day of every month, starting from October 2020. Women being the primary caretakers of the family are kept as beneficiaries of the scheme.

Orunodoi Scheme, described as the ‘foremost bead’ among the Ashtadash Mukutar Unnoyonee Maala, was announced by the Finance Minister in his Budget Speech .

The Scheme envisages poverty eradication and socio-economic inclusion of financially vulnerable families of the state through sustained financial assistance by DBT, leveraging cash transfer on a monthly basis, so that underprivileged family is assured of minimum monthly cash flow.

The other objective is to minimize the multiplicity of schemes and consolidate them through the DBT platform in aid of better delivery and outcomes.

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Purpose of the Arunodoi Scheme Assam 2024 Scheme

For the purpose of this scheme, the terminologies used shall have the following meaning:


  1. A ‘household’ shall comprise the eldest primary bread earner (male), his wife, their dependent children, and their dependent relatives who normally reside together and take their meals from a common kitchen /common cooking.
  2. lf a group of unrelated persons reside in the same house, but are maintaining separate food arrangements/kitchens, then they are not constituent of a common household. Each such person should be treated as a separate household.

Adult female member of the household

The adult woman who is not less than eighteen years of age, in every household. A household can nominate a woman of their house to avail of this benefit.

  1. In the case of a household wherein, the only female in the household is below eighteen (18) years of age to the cutoff date. In that case, the nominated ‘Male Head’ may be considered, subject to meeting the eligibility criteria till the female member attains the age of 18 years.

Direct Benefit Transfer

Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) is a scheme to transfer the benefits and subsidies of various social welfare schemes directly into the bank account of the beneficiary.

Distribution of Target

  1. The distribution of target shall be 15,000 beneficiaries per Legislative Assembly Constituency (LAC) and if the population of LAC exceeds 2 Lakhs then the target shall be 17,000 beneficiaries per LAC.
  2. However, for the sake of administrative convenience, for identification of beneficiaries, this target will be further divided Gaon Panchayat wise in rural areas and Village Council Development Committee (VCDC) wise in Sixth Schedule Areas, etc.,
  3. Similarly, in urban areas, it will be divided among the municipal corporation, municipalities, and town committees, Assembly segment-wise. Overall, the scheme will benefit 19 lakh households in the state.
  4. It is possible that a Legislative Assembly Constituency falls in two districts. In this case, the number of beneficiaries for part of the LAC in one district will be proportionate to the number of voters in that district.
  5. However, the District Level Monitoring Committee may marginally alter this number of beneficiaries, keeping in mind the fact that the total number of beneficiaries assigned to a particular LAC should not be ideally changed.

Eligibility for Arunodoi Scheme Assam

The eligibility conditions for benefiting under this Scheme are:

  • The applicant should be a permanent resident of Assam.
  • The applicant should be presently residing in Assam.
  • Composite Household Income of the Applicant should be less than Rs. 2 Lakh per annum.
  • The beneficiary (nominated female member) should have a bank account wherein the name in the bank records should match the scheme records.
  • In case, the beneficiary does not possess a bank account then a bank
    The account would be required to be opened prior to the date of approval of the application.
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 Priority should be given to those households which

  • Has widows, divorced female / unmarried female / separated females, and any specially-abled member of the House Hold.
  •  Priority will be given to poorer families, whether they are covered under NFSA or not.

The following households shall be automatically excluded from the scheme

  • A household without any female members.
  • Former and current Members of Parliament (MPs), Member of Legislative Assembly (MLAs),
  • Current Members of Panchayati Raj Institutions and Urban Local Bodies.
  • All regular serving or retired officers and employees of Central/ State Government Ministries / Offices / Departments and its field units Central or State PSEs and attached offices /Autonomous Institutions under
    Government as well as regular employees of the Local Bodies and PSUs.
  •  All regular serving employees of Cooperatives Societies registered under the Assam Co-operative Societies Act 2007 and is partially / fully funded by the Govt. Of Assam or Govt. Of India or any of its Ministries / Departments / Offices.
  • Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Chartered Accountants, Architects, and Registered Govt. Contractors.
  • Income taxpayers.
  • Farmer families own more than 15 bears of agricultural land. The household is owning a tractor.
  • Household owns four-wheeler or mechanized boat. (Having a two-wheeler is not an exclusion criterion).
  • Household owns a refrigerator or Washing machine or Air Conditioner
  • The cutoff date for determination of eligibility of beneficiaries under the Scheme shall be 01.04.2020 and shall be considered for eligibility of benefit under the Scheme for the next year.

How to fill the application in Arunodoi Scheme Assam Scheme

Filling up the application forms

The District Level Monitoring Committee after prioritization and selection of the beneficiaries will ensure the filling up of the Detailed Application Form (DAF), as provided at Annexure ‘B’, to be filled up by the approved beneficiaries. Orunodoi Sahayaks at GP / VCDC / ULB shall facilitate this process.

DAF shall be used to collect the bank details and other information. The DAF also contains a self-affidavit to be signed by the selected beneficiaries specifying the eligibility conditions.

Uploading of the approved list

After approval of the final list, the same will be uploaded and disseminated. However, care should be taken to avoid disclosure of personal data beyond what is necessary for the sake of
Transparency and disclosure.

Beneficiary Validation

DBT Cell within the Finance (IF) Department, Govt. of Assam will validate the beneficiary details (name, account number, IFSC code, etc.), through a web portal. The GP Secretary / Executive Officer of ULB / Municipal Commissioner of ULB will be responsible for the necessary coordination and rectification of incorrect beneficiary details.

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SMS based intimation shall be provided to the applicant as well as the concerned GP
Secretary / Executive Officer of ULB / Municipal Commissioner of ULB, in case of rectification, is required.


Assam arunodoi scheme online apply

  • First of all, you go to the official website.
  • After that click on SUBMIT GRIEVANCE link.
Orunodoi application form
  • Now an application form will open.
  • Submit all the required information in it.


  • Choose your District
  • And inter 7 digit beneficiary Number
  • And check the status.

Arunodoi Scheme Assam Required Documents

  • Aadhar card
  • passport size photo
  • ration card

Key Points of Arunodoi Scheme Assam Scheme 

scheme nameArunodoi Scheme Assam
launch date 2nd October 2020
Objective of the schemefinancial support for the family
beneficiaryAll Eligible Family: Women being the primary caretakers of the family are kept as beneficiaries of the scheme.

Benefits of Arunodoi Scheme Assam Scheme 

The Government of Assam will provide monthly financial assistance to qualified recipients.  To buy medicines, pulses and sugar in which Rs 400 per family and per month must be given to each beneficiary family.  To buy medicines to meet their health needs, Rs 200 per family per month. Provide a 50% subsidy for the 4 kg of pulses eaten by a family in one month.

Scope of the Scheme:

And Rs 80 per month per family, which will effectively subsidize 50% of the monthly expenditure they will spend on the 4 Kgs of sugar that they will purchase for the house every month.

Separately, Rs 150 per family per month would be provided for the purchase of essential fruits and vegetables and beyond what they grow in their homestead farms. The medical and nutritional support will have a consolidated inflow of Rs 830 per month for a family.

Purpose Amount

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Purpose Amount
Procure medicinesINR 400
A 50 % subsidy for 4 kgs of pulsesINR 200
A 50 % subsidy for 4 kgs of sugarINR 80
Fruits and vegetablesINR 150
Total Amount INR 830


Basic Points of Arunodoi Scheme Assam Scheme 

Annual Rectification

The approved beneficiary list will be reviewed after the end of each financial year, for errors of inclusion/exclusion in a Special Gaon Sabha / General Body of the ULB.

The Gaon Sabha of the GP / Gaon Sabha of the VCDC / General Body of ULB may put up requests for exclusion/inclusion in the beneficiary list, subject to the overall limit as prescribed by the District Committee.

Each such request shall be verified on a case-to-case basis by the District Committee and care should be taken not to deprive any eligible person who is already benefiting from the Scheme.

Transfer of money in DBT mode

After validating the bank account details of the beneficiaries are verified and validated through PFMS, the Finance Department shall ensure the transfer of money on a periodic basis, based on the timeline fixed by the Finance Department. The money is transferred exclusively to the account of the identified beneficiary.

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